Repurposing your content

Helen Bowman • Mar 05, 2024

Feeling like you're always on the content creation treadmill? You're not alone. Keeping up with the relentless demand for fresh, engaging social media content can feel like an uphill struggle, especially for small businesses and busy Mum entrepreneurs. But what if I told you there's a smarter, more efficient way to manage your content strategy? Let’s talk about the game-changing strategy of repurposing social media content.

Why Repurpose Your Social Media Content?

Where to start!? There are so many reasons why – here are the most important ones:

Efficiency and Time-Saving

Firstly, repurposing content is a massive time-saver. It allows you to breathe new life into your existing content, maximising your effort and extending the lifespan of every post, article, and video you create.

Reach a Larger Audience

Not everyone consumes content in the same way. Repurposing content across platforms ensures your message reaches as many people as possible, catering to varied preferences, whether they're readers, viewers, or listeners.

Reinforce Your Message

You’ll have heard (probably multiple times, ironically) that people need to hear or read the same messages up to seven times before they take it in. Reiterating your key messages through different formats helps solidify your brand's identity and values in your audience's minds, reinforcing what you stand for.

Boost SEO and Online Presence

Every piece of repurposed content is another opportunity to catch the eye of search engines and boost your online presence, driving more traffic to your site and increasing your digital footprint – winner winner!

How to Repurpose Your Content Effectively

Identify Evergreen Content

Start by identifying content that's evergreen—topics that are always relevant. These pieces are your best candidates for repurposing, providing continuous value to your audience.

Adapt for Different Platforms

Customise your content for the platform you're posting on. What works on Instagram might not work on LinkedIn. Tweaking your message for each platform maximises engagement and reach.

Update and Refresh

Updating statistics, facts, or visuals can give your content a fresh lease of life. Something as simple as a new headline or an updated graphic can make all the difference.

Incorporate Different Formats

Got a popular blog post? Turn it into an infographic, a video summary, or even a podcast episode. Transforming the format can attract a whole new audience.

Get Creative with your repurposing!

Think outside the box. Turn customer testimonials into a heartfelt video montage. Convert a series of blog posts into an informative eBook. The possibilities are endless, and with a little creativity, your content can reach far and wide, making every piece work harder for you.

Repurposing content isn't just a shortcut – it’s a strategic approach to content creation that can really help your brand's message and reach. It's about making every piece of content count multiple times over, giving everyone in your audience the chance to see it.

Ready to dive deeper into repurposing your social media content? Sign up for my newsletter today and get your hands on the free guide, The Brilliant Guide To Repurposing Your Content. Inside, you'll discover step-by-step strategies to transform your content approach, saving you time while making your content sing. Don't let your content go to waste. Click here to sign up and start getting the most out of your content.

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