Being authentic online: why it’s crucial for small businesses

Helen Bowman • Jul 25, 2023

There is no avoiding it, folks. No matter how much you dislike it yourself, social media is crucial for your small business. In a world where traditional advertising is fading in terms of viability for those without the budget of Coke, Nike or Amazon, social media is a fantastic platform to showcase your brand's awesomeness. 

But, in this world of filters and photo edits, let's not forget the magic ingredient that sets you apart—authenticity! 


Authenticity is the secret ingredient that makes your social media presence different from anyone else’s. Being genuine, honest, and true to your brand's identity creates connections that can turn your followers into huge fans and even ambassadors for your brand.

So, why is authenticity the best approach your business can take on social media?

  • Human beings with real stories: Being you showcases the human or humans behind your brand. Share stories of your team, customers, and experiences that show the humans who run your business and make it relatable.
  • Building Trust and Loyalty: Being authentic builds trust with your audience. When you're genuine, people believe in your brand, and trust transforms followers into loyal customers.
  • Stand Out from your competitors: In a sea of social media content, authenticity sets you apart. Be yourself, showcase your uniqueness, and let your brand's personality shine bright like a diamond! 🎶
  • Make yourself memorable: Authenticity creates genuine connections and helps your business stick in the minds of your followers. Engaging with your audience openly and honestly creates a two-way relationship that makes followers feel valued and heard.

That’s the why. But what about the how?

How to stay authentic on social media

Here are some tips for being authentic on your social media channels:

👍Keep it real: Life isn’t all butterflies and rainbows. Share the ups and downs, the wins, and the moments that weren’t quite perfect. Share what you learned from those moments. Your journey is what makes your brand special.

👀Show behind-the-scenes: I love seeing the ‘backstage’ of people’s business as a way of getting to know what makes them tick. Take your followers behind the curtain. Show them the magic that happens in your workspace and the people who bring it to life.

🗣️Use your voice: Write like you talk! I’m always telling my clients this tip. When you write like you talk there is no disconnect when people meet you in real life. So, drop the corporate jargon and embrace a friendly, conversational tone that makes people feel like they're chatting with a friend.

😋Done, not perfect: Embrace the small mistakes and don't be afraid of a few oopsies. Share the imperfections, and your audience will appreciate the genuine spirit behind your brand.

✔️Respond authentically: When engaging with your followers, be genuine and empathetic. Show that you care, and they'll love you for it!

Being authentic really is something that not all brands have the luxury of. It’s what makes you stand out so lean into it. Be yourself online and you’ll create connections that last.

Get out there and have fun!

And if you’re struggling to be authentic and consistent, contact me and let’s have a chat about your social media presence over a cuppa and I’ll let you know how I can help.

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