Why Every Small Business Needs a Social Media Calendar (And how to whip one up in no time!)

Helen Bowman • Apr 18, 2024

How does it make you feel when you read the words ‘social media calendar’? About as exciting as watching paint dry? Fair enough. But stick with me – it’s a game changer for your business. And I promise to make it as fun as finding extra chips at the bottom of your takeaway bag!

Why You Absolutely Need a Social Media Calendar

Think of a social media calendar as your best mate in the world of online marketing. It’s the reliable pal who remembers your family birthdays so you don’t have to, but instead of birthdays, it’s your posts.

1. No More Last-Minute Madness

Ever scrambled at the eleventh hour to post something – anything – just because you realised you hadn't posted in days? A social media calendar puts an end to all that chaos. It’s like meal prepping for your social media: everything’s chopped, prepped, and ready to go when you need it. Just less chopping and more clicking.

2. Keep It Consistent, Keep It Snappy 

Consistency is key. Your followers love knowing when they can expect to hear from you, much like a scheduled catch-up with a friend. A calendar helps you keep your posting as regular as clockwork, ensuring you're showing up regularly without overdoing it. No more ghosting your followers!

3. All Your Eggs in One Basket

Got a promo coming up? Hosting an event? Special offers for Christmas? A social media calendar lets you plan all your content around key business events so you can align your posts with your real-world activities. It’s like having a master plan that ties everything together so neatly, you’ll feel like a content wizard.

How to Set Up Your Very Own Social Media Calendar

Setting up a social media calendar doesn’t require a Hogwarts letter. Here’s how to do it in a few simple steps:

Step 1: Choose Your Tools

Go old school with a paper calendar, or get digital with tools like Google Calendar, Asana or Trello. There are also tonnes of specialised tools like Buffer or Hootsuite that can do the heavy lifting (posting) for you. I use Metricool and love it! (Click here for an affililate link to try it out…)

Step 2: Plot Out Your Regular Posts 

Start with the regulars – you can use hashtags like #MotivationMonday or #ThrowbackThursday or you could decide to post a motivational quote on a Thursday and a reminder of your service or event on a Sunday. The choice is yours... These are your bread-and-butter posts that keep the conversation going.

Step 3: Fill in the Gaps 

Add in posts for promotions, events, announcements, or just fun engagement questions (like ‘What’s your go-to comfort snack?’). Remember, variety is the spice of life – and of a good social media feed!

Step 4: Review and Rearrange

The beauty of a calendar is that it’s not set in stone. Shuffle things around if you need to. The goal is to make your life easier, not to chain you to a schedule.

How My Services Can Help

Setting up your calendar is just the start. Keeping it filled with fresh, engaging content is the next challenge. That’s where I come in. From brainstorming killer post ideas to creating content that clicks, consider me your social media font of ideas. Need a hand? DM me, and let’s make your social media as organised and fabulous as you are!

So, why not give creating your own social media calendar a whirl? Your future self will thank you when you're sipping that well-deserved cuppa, knowing your social media is sorted. And who knows, you might just have fun doing it!

Feeling overwhelmed? Let's chat! Follow me on social media for more hints, tips, and tricks that turn social media management from a chore into a charm. 

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