Storytelling: How to use it to market your business

Helen Bowman • Nov 08, 2023

Learn how and why to use storytelling as a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal.

It’s a busy marketplace we all trade in – have you noticed? And with so much competition in that marketplace, storytelling can help set your business apart from the crowd. After all, your story is unique to you. In this post, we'll explore the captivating world of storytelling and how it can be an integral part of your marketing arsenal, why it will help and how to measure the success you’re sure to achieve.

Why storytelling matters for your business

Storytelling can be a powerful tool for your business. Here’s why:

Appeal to their heart: Remember when you were a kid and your parents used to read stories to you at bedtime? I bet you remember some of those stories. Or you’ll be able to recount a story that appealed to you as a child in a way that you’d never remember the periodic table or the stages of metamorphosis. Stories create a strong emotional connection with your audience. People remember stories much better than facts and figures, helping you stand out in their minds.

You’ll be more relatable: Everyone has their own values, beliefs, backstory. When your story aligns with that of your audience, you’ll create a warm and fuzzy feeling in the minds of your ideal customers. Share your values, challenges and successes and your business will remain in their memory far longer than the faceless company down the road.

Engagement: There’s nothing more appealing than hearing a person’s or business’ story to pique our interest in their brand. If, like me, you’re the human behind the business, share your story. Tell people about your past, your challenges and the path to success. Stories like that will engage your audience and make them want to know more. Whether you’re selling handmade items or offering bespoke services, storytelling helps your customers relate to you and remember you.

That’s all well and good, I hear you cry. ‘But how in gosh darn Whimpleton do I go about doing that for my business?’ I’m glad you asked. Because I’m about to give you some hints and tips! You’re welcome.

How to write brilliant stories for your business

Stand by for four lush little ways to help you craft captivating stories about your business and capture the imaginations – and hearts – of your audience.

Tell your unique story: Whether you offer the same kind of products or services as one of your competitors or not, your story is unique to you. No-one else has the same backstory, experiences, learning points as you. Should about them. What inspired you to start your business? Share your journey, struggles, and what sets you apart from competitors.

Know your audience: Take a few minutes to think about your customers – really think about them. In relation to your business area, what frustrates them? What do they struggle with? What problems do they need your help with? What do they aspire to achieve? Once you have the answers to these questions, you can start to tailor your stories to show how your products and service can make a positive difference in their lives.

Use actual humans: You’re a human, right? If you have a team, they’re all human beings too? Your customers are, let me guess… humans? Every human has a story. Talk about your team and your happy customers or clients. Tell (with their permission) their stories in relation to your business.

Solve Problems: Explain how your products or services have solved problems. How will what you’re selling help make your customers’ lives better. Don’t bang on about the features of your products or services – explain how they’ll help. Craft stories that illustrate these solutions in action – case studies and testimonials are the perfect example of this point.

How to tell your story

Once upon a time… Not really! Don’t be constrained by traditional methods. Let’s look at some of the ways you could tell your business story.

Videos and reels: Short videos, stories or reels are a great way to show your face, let your voice be heard and really put the ‘human’ into your story. They’re great on social media as well as on your website. Engaging and visual – what’s not to love?

Write a blog: Why stop at an ‘About us’ blog? Use storytelling throughout your regular blog posts and you’ll find your audience keeps coming back for more.

Email Marketing: Build an email list and share your story, offers and news with your subscribers on a regular, non-social-media-based platform.

Customer Testimonials: Don’t just tell the story yourself. Ask your happy customers to tell the story in their own words. Because that, my friends, is what is called social proof. It’s way more powerful when it comes from a third party.

Measuring your storytelling Success

So, you’ve worked on your story and have several different ways to broadcast that story. But how do you know it’s working?

Check your analytics: All social platforms have them, so check your analytics or insights to see what’s working. Which posts get the most likes, shares, comments… if something has worked well, do it again!

Website traffic: Monitor how many people have visited and read each blog post. Monitor comments and bounce rates. You’ll soon see a pattern of what’s working and what isn’t.

Customer behaviour: Are more visitors turning into customers after engaging with your story-based content? Test against non-story-based content and see which is more successful.

Customer Feedback: Don’t be shy. Because shy bairns get nowt – we all know that. Ask your customers for direct feedback on your storytelling efforts. It might not be quantitative but qualitative data is just as valuable when it comes to this kind of feedback.

Storytelling can be a powerful tool for small businesses. Embrace it and give your audience an insight into your values and past. Your story is unique, tell it.

Don't forget. If you need support with your storytelling, contact me and we'll have a chat over a cuppa!

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